How to Vote
What district am I in?
Approved by voters in 2022, City of Lake Worth Beach Commission elections are single district voting. Not sure what district you fall into? Look up your location using the link below.
City of Lake Worth Beach Voting District Maps
How can I register to vote?
Registering online is quick and simple. Visit https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home. The deadline to register for an upcoming election is 29 days before that election. If you prefer paper, Voter Registration Application forms are available at any Supervisor of Elections office.
When is the election?
The next municipal election for the City of Lake Worth Beach Run-Off Election will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. for Commissioners of Districts 2 & 4.
Can I vote by mail?
Absolutely! You can request your ballot today from the Supervisor of Elections via:
By Phone: (561) 656-6208
By Fax: (561) 656-6230
In person at any of their four offices
Please note that under current Florida Laws, Vote-by-Mail requests are valid through the end of the calendar year of the next regularly scheduled general election.
Voters who wish to receive a Vote-by-Mail ballot for the 2025 elections are required to complete a new Vote-by-Mail ballot request.
What should I bring to the voting site?
Please bring one or two forms of valid and current identification that include your signature and photo.
Acceptable Photo ID Florida Voters:
Florida Driver License
Florida ID Card (issued by DHSMV)
U.S. Passport
Debit or Credit Card
Military ID
Student ID
Retirement Center ID
Neighborhood Association ID
Public Assistance ID
Veteran Health ID (issued by the US Department of Veterans Affairs)
Concealed Weapon License (issued pursuant to F.S. 790.06)
Employee ID card issued by any branch, department, agency, or entity of the Federal Government, the state, a county, or a municipality.
If your photo ID does not include your signature, you will be asked to provide another ID that has your signature. If you do not bring your ID, you may still vote, however, you will be required to vote a provisional ballot, which will later be evaluated by a canvassing board for eligibility.